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For The Year 2013

This article is for non-custodial parents with TEXAS visitation orders. In Texas, non-custodial parents have visitation (possession) for Thanksgiving in odd-numbered years beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the day the child is dismissed from school before Thanksgiving and ending at 6:00 p.m. on the following Sunday or Monday if the order allows for extended possession. Based on the Standard Texas Possession schedule, the non-custodial conservator will not have visitation/possession for Thanksgiving in 2012. The non-custodial parent does get the third Friday. November 16th through Sunday November 19th or to 8:00 a.m. Monday, November 19th if you have standard extended possession.


The Christmas holidays in Texas are divided in half by odd and even years. The non-custodial parent in even years (2012) will have the right to possession of the child beginning on the day school recesses for the Christmas holidays. Most school districts will recess on Friday, December 21st. You will need to check with your school district. The Christmas possession time will end at either noon, December 26th or noon, December 28th. The ending date for Standard Texas Possession schedule changed around 2005. double check your court order. The custodial parent gets the second half of the Christmas holiday up to the time school resumes.

Fathers for Equal Rights will be open Saturday, December 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and have an attorney available in both offices. Writs of Habeas Corpus and Motions for Enforcement will be prepared for members for filing with the court the next day. Bring a copy of your court order and the custodial parents address. For more information call 214-953-2233 or just come visit our Dallas office at 701 Commerce Street, Suite 302, Dallas, TX 75202. We are located in the Katy Building, two blocks east of I-35. We also have an office in Fort Worth, located at 1500 North Main Street, Suite 120, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Call 817-870-4880 for directions.

After blowing a huge sum of money on one of the 'best attorneys' in Dallas, but with minimal progress, I found Fathers For Equal Rights and quickly learned that nobody can know or be as passionate about my case, or my son's well-being, as me.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors