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You Must Abide By Proper Rules In Court

Get It Right The First TimeIf you represent yourself without the benefit of an attorney you are known as a Pro Se Litigant. "Pro Se" is a Latin term meaning "for yourself." As a pro se litigant, you enjoy every right under the law. However, pro se litigants are expected to follow and abide by the rules that govern the practice of law in the court room.

No time outs here in court. You must be prepared and understand all your rights before you get there.

A 1991 American Bar Association study of self-represented litigants showed:

  • Persons with incomes less than $50,000 are more likely to represent themselves.
  • About 20% of self-represented litigants report they can afford an attorney but do not want one.
  • Self-represented persons are more likely to be satisfied with the judicial process than those who are represented by attorneys.
  • Almost 75% of those who represented themselves in court said they would do it again.

This information is for persons who choose to, or must, represent themselves.

Since this area of the website applies to a large number of people across many state, you are invited to return on a regular basis for the latest and most current information about the issues with regard to representing yourself in court. Proper education, information, and your action as parents means you will have the greatest degree of success in keeping your children focused on the future of their lives in the best possible manner. Proper support is critical to them developing as vital members in school, home, and family life. If you don't see what you are looking for in the list above, please be sure to contact us here at the Fathers For Equal Rights Child Support Information Center office 214 953-2233 for more information.

Fathers For Equal Rights empowered me to do the right thing for my son through critical knowledge, and strategic access to affordable legal assistance.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

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