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FER Sponsors

Learning Through Education

Issues Affect All ChildrenPromoting Healthy Relationships through understanding the issues is something that Fathers For Equal Rights (FER) will help make a reality. Every child can have the opportunity to form a healthy relationship with both parents, regardless of the status of their family structure. Serious issues that might impede this possiblity are addressed in this area of the Fathers For Equal Rights website. Truth and knowledge about all the issues can be used to protect the rights of you and your children. Positive, healthy and meaningful relationships are critical in being able to resolve situations faced by Fathers and their families today.

How Can Fathers For Equal Rights Help You?

By providing services through education, and at the same time provide leadership and information to the general community we support, we invite you to participate in discussions about the issues you may be facing. The vast expanse in information contained in this Issues area of the sight will ensure a better way to face what the future may hold.

A general outline of this section of the website is listed on your right for your convenience. For additional and more detailed things you may need to lean about with regard to issues, you may need to take a detailed look at the articles available for your learning and review. The titles include general information which you will find helpful and further discussions with regard to State Codes that apply, may be a topic for dicussion with one of our staff or attorneys. If you don't see what you are looking for in this text or list above, please be sure to contact us here at the office 214 953-2233 for more information.

Domestic Violence - Problems happen with both genders and remedys are dictated in terms of laws for the States currently in place. Fathers For Equal Rights demands that society realize domestic violence can't be tolerated or used to gain unfair advantages in cases.

Parenting - There are many many articles and information with the focus on being better parents and coping with divorce, separation and co-parenting which you will find very helpful in obtaining a different perspective on how to be a better parent and establish proper healthy communication and relationships with your children. We can all always learn more about how to be better people.

Other Issues - Divorce, fraud, immigrant issues, discrimination, and home mortgage and financial issues may come into play in solving your particular issues at this time. As other areas are added this year, we hope you will return to this section of articles often.

Legislative Activities - The Legislative section of the Fathers for Equal Rights website is provided by the Texas Fathers Alliance.It is the belief of the Fathers For Equal Rights Organization at large that you must stand up and speak if laws currently in place do not adequately provide a remedy to your current situation, or you want to help in making changes to the Family Codes here in Texas or in another state. We need your help to make these changes.

The Fathers For Equal Rights Organization makes a commitment to every Father, Child, Family, and Community to meet the needs of the members it's supports. Bearing that in mind, be aware that change can't take place until the laws currently in place are amended or new laws are put in place to address the needs of this community in every state on particular issues. These highly specialized issues seek to promote harmony and equity between parents, remove provisions that are not equal or are detrimental to the healthy development of the children, provide access to state codes information about visitation, custody and child support subject to existing laws, and apply equitable and fair standards on all issues that may affect the welfare of children, family law, and family law practices.

Our Fathers For Equal Rights staff and team of attorneys and professionals look forward to serving you today and also in the future. We challenge you to do your part. Work with us to change the things that will enable all children and families new options for conflict resolution in the issues at hand. Stand up now and make a better way for all children to have the best we can provide for them.

Fathers For Equal Rights empowered me to do the right thing for my son through critical knowledge, and strategic access to affordable legal assistance.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors