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The Smoking Gun

false claims used against fathersThis e-mail was found in a file during discovery and is black-and-white evidence that the mental health professionals in the divorce industry are advising each other to tell their patients or clients to file false domestic violence actions against their husbands because the courts will handle the husband differently once charged.

This letter is between a Dr. Lenore Walker, out of Denver, Colorado and Dr. Dee Brodbeck, a court appointed psychologist handling a custody case for the family courts in Colorado.

Just a little information on Dr. Walker. She was the expert who testified in the O.J. Simpson trial that O.J. was not an abusive husband. Of course she was paid well over a million dollars for her testimony. She has been pretty much maligned by the lawyers in the Denver area because she is prostituting herself to the highest bidder. She hires out all over the country. Almost all of her testimony is against husbands and fathers.

This is all the more reason why attorneys should be demanding all discovery (including all files, memoranda, notes, correspondence between parties & the courts and other mental health experts for consult, and what their psychological philosophies are grounded upon (are they Freudian, etc.), what books they rely on for their testimony or practice, etc.), from all psychologists or so-called "mental health" experts in divorce and/or domestic violence and custody cases.

The e-mail verbatim:

From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sent:Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:41 PM

Subject: Re:Help on a case

Hi Dee

Wow, what a case. I just testified in Philadelphia in a similar one with a dad who is a famous star and has acted his way out of domestic violence charges against several women. The literature isn't as clear as the clinical data. However, here is what I would suggest. Try to get the label 'domestic violence' on the dad's behavior towards the mom. This gets a different handling in the courts as judge's are required to consider dv in deciding relocation cases.

Literature on children exposed to domestic violence is beginning to appear. The best is the book by Holden, Geffner & Jouriles--Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. Robbi Rossman from DU is one of the contributing authors and she might have a copy of it. In fact, she might have other literature that I don't have access to. APA published the book. Also, Wolfe & Jaffee have a book out as does Inat Peled on the topic of the psychological injury to children exposed to domestic violence. Robbi Rossman has an article that helps explain the possible changes in brain chemistry as does Dan Goleman in his book on Emotional Intelligence. That is scary...

You can also make the nexus of the power and control literature in battering to the abuse of power and control in dealing with children as they get older and begin asserting their own rights more. I suggest that a complete risk assessment for violence in general and specifically domestic violence be done on the abuser. If you think mental health issues might be coexistant, I also request that a comprehensive psychological be done and if there are sexual abuse issues or even sexually unusual or inappropriate behavior alleged, a complete psychosexual evaluation.

It is clear that more and more women and children are being held captive by our courts and then they wonder why juveniles are becoming more violent!

Hope you are well and enjoying your summer.


As reported to the NFRC discussion group, source not verified 1/23/2003 7:28:47 PM Central Standard Time

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  -- Joe & Rachel B. - Fort Worth, TX

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