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FER Sponsors
Michelle McKinney

It only takes a few seconds for a child to drown or suffer irreversible, permanent damage from a near drowning. A toilet, bucket, hot tub bathtub, aquarium, or any other container of water can increase the risk for drowning. Drowning is the leading cause for unintentional injury deaths of children age 4 and younger. In children 14 and younger, drowning is second leading cause for unintentional injury fatalities.

Inside The House

  • Never leave small children alone around any container of water. This includes toilets, tubs, wading pools, spas, aquariums, and buckets.
  • Keep bathroom doors closed and secure toilet lids with lid locks.
  • Safeguard bathtubs and sinks used for bathing by using faucet covers and nonskid mats or decals.
  • Before bathing children, gather the soap, shampoo, toys, towel, diaper, clothing, and any other needed items before running the bath water. Place these items within easy reach.
  • After running bath water, check the water temperature before placing the child in the bath water.
  • Once your child is in the bath, don't leave for any reason. Children can drown in just a small amount of water. They can easily topple into the tub or toilet. It only takes a few seconds for a drowning to happen.
  • If you must leave the room for the telephone or door, take the child with you after taking the child out of the water and wrapping him in a towel.
  • To avoid falls and slipping under the water, always keep one hand firmly around the child when bathing him and keep the child sitting.
  • Ensure pet doors are inaccessible to young children. Young children like to crawl through the doors to gain access to the outside.

Outside The House

  • Never leave children alone with water including a pool, wading pool, pond, drainage ditch, or lake.
  • Stay with children swimming or playing in water. They need an adult or certified lifeguard to keep a constant watch.
  • Use approved life jackets.
  • Arrange for swimming lessons for your children with a qualified instructor.
  • Safeguard swimming pools. Use fences. Install self-closing and latching gates, and water surface alarms.
  • Completely remove pool covers when the pool is in use.
  • Make sure proper safety equipment is located near the pool.
  • Store water toys away from the pool when they are not in use.
  • Encourage safe practices. Don't assume young children will use good judgement and caution around water.
  • Be prepared for emergencies. Have a first-aid kit and emergency medical telephone contacts. Learn CPR.
  • Know if your child's friends have home pools.

Fathers For Equal Rights is a wonderful group that cares about what's best for the children.
  -- Janice N.

FER Sponsors