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Information For Pro-Se Litigants

  1. Pro litigants are acting as their own attorneys. You will be expected to know and follow the rules as any attorney would These include the Rules of Evidence, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Texas Family Code, Dallas County Local Rules and the Lawyer Creed.
  2. You are prohibited from having any contact, including phone calls, letters, voice mail messages, faxes, e-mail messages and direct conversations with the Judge or Associate Judge hearing the case, unless all parties and their attorneys (if they are represented) are present. Prohibited communications with the District Judge or Associate Judge will not be considered for any purpose, will be returned unread, and the other side notified of such communication. Prohibited communication does not include formal pleadings, motions, and request for relief filed with the clerk.
  3. You must send a copy of every pleading you file with the court to the opposing attorney, or party if they do not have an attorney.
  4. You must give notice to the opposing attorney or party of court setting or order that you have obtained. You must file a copy with the court of such notice to opposing attorney or party.
  5. The Judge, Associate Judge, Court Administrator, Court Clerk, Court Reporter, Bailiff and the Opposing Counsel cannot give legal advice.
  6. Violations of any of the above guidelines may result in sanctions being granted against you.

Uncontested family law matters, such as divorces, paternity actions, and suit affecting parent/child relationship can normally be heard by any family court at 8:30 a.m. weekdays.

The following associations may be able to assist you in obtaining an attorney:

  • Family Law Bar Association Lawyer Referral Program 214-220-7444
  • North Texas Legal Services/Bar Association Volunteer Attorney Program 214-742-5768
  • Dallas Bar Association Legal Line (telephone questions limited basis) 214-969-7066
  • Mesquite Bar Referral service (fee basis) 972-270 2102
  • Richardson Attorney Referral Service (fee basis) 972-690-6113

Fathers For Equal Rights is doing an amazing job! Y'all keep up the good work!
  -- Jonathan C. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors