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Thanksgiving & Christmas Visitation For The Year 2019

This article is for non-custodial parents with TEXAS visitation orders. 


In Texas, non-custodial parents have visitation (possession) for Thanksgiving in odd-numbered years beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the day the child is dismissed from school before Thanksgiving and ending at 6:00 p.m. on the following Sunday or Monday if the order allows for extended possession.  Based on the Standard Texas Possession schedule, the non-custodial conservator will not have visitation/possession for Thanksgiving in 2018.  The non-custodial parent, this year, should have the third Friday.  November 17th through Sunday November 26th or to 8:00 a.m. Monday, November 27th if you have standard extended possession.


 The Christmas holidays in Texas are divided in half by odd and even years.  The non-custodial parent in odd years (2019) will have the right to possession of the child beginning at noon December 28, 2017.  The Christmas possession will end at 6:00 p.m. the day before school resumes or on the day school resumes if the non-custodial parent has expanded standard possession.  The non-custodial parent will also have the 1st & 3rd Fridays of December 2017, 12/1 – 12/3 and 12/15 – 12/19.  Make sure that you get a copy of the School District Calendar.

Father’s for Equal Rights will be open Wednesday, December 27th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. through Saturday 12/30/19 and have an attorney available in both offices.  Writs of Habeas Corpus and Motions for Enforcement will be prepared for members for filing with the court the next day.  Bring a copy of your court order and the custodial parents address.  For more information call 214-953-2233 or just come visit our Dallas office at 701 Commerce Street, Suite 302, Dallas, TX 75202.  We are located in the Katy Building, two blocks east of I-35.  We also have an office in Fort Worth, located at 1500 North Main Street, Suite 120, Fort Worth, TX  76164.  Call 817-870 4880 for directions.

My child's mother brought my daughter to me and literally disappeared for approximately 3 whole years! Attempts to contact the mother by emails, phone calls, text messages, social media, family and friends yielded nothing. I then contacted Fathers For Equal Rights for help. Within a week we were in court and signing papers.
  -- Sefu A. - Dallas, TX

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