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FER Sponsors

The Office of the Attorney General (O.A.G.) is designated as the title IV-D agency for the State of Texas. Every state has a title IV-D agency. As the official child support enforcement agency, the O.A.G. provides services to parents who wish to obtain or provide support for their children. The Child Support Division, recently renamed the Division for Families and Children, determines on a case-by-case basis, which of the following child support services is appropriate:

  • Locating a non-custodial parent
  • Establishing paternity
  • Establishing and enforcing child support orders
  • Establishing and enforcing medical support orders
  • Reviewing and adjusting child support payments
  • Collecting and distributing child support payments

To Apply for Services

Contact your local child support field office or call 1-800-252-8014 and receive an application by mail. You can also apply online at

O.A.G. Child Support Field Office Structure

Each office has a managing attorney and several other attorneys, an office manager, an ombudsman (information person and complaint department), and several caseworkers. Most offices are open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A few offices have Saturday hours, usually by appointment only. There are eight regions of the O.A.G. for the State of Texas with several offices in each region and a main regional office with a regional attorney, administrator, and ombudsman. You are welcome to call Fathers for Equal Rights, Inc.'s main office at (214) 953-2233 for information on the O.A.G. field office in your location.

Standardized Guidelines

The O.A.G. provides in their process of establishing new orders, an opportunity for both parties to come to an agreement in a settlement conference at the field office of the O.A.G.. This is an opportunity for mom and dad to mediate/negotiate the terms of conservatorship, visitation, domicile restriction, transportation, child support, and medical support. The O.A.G. will present to both parties a very standardized Order Establishing the Parent-Child Relationship. Fathers for Equal Rights, Inc. strongly suggest that you call or stop by one of our offices, also read sections 153 and 154 of the Texas Family Code prior to the settlement conference.


  1. Both parents should be Joint Managing Conservators.
  2. The domicile of a child can be restricted to a specific county.
  3. Visitation should not be restricted simply because the child is less than 3 years old.
  4. Retroactive (back) child support is not mandatory.
  5. All periods of possession (visitation) may begin at the time school recesses and end at the time school resumes. (i.e. Monday and Friday mornings) Review sections 153.312(a)(2) and 153.315(a) and (b) of the Texas Family Code.
  6. Visitation schedules can be adjusted around work schedules. If you work weekends and your days off are Tuesday and Wednesday than make Tuesday and Wednesdays your "weekends". Review 153.253 of the Texas Family Code.
  7. Transportation of the children can be shared equally. The receiving parent does the driving. Review 153.316(1) and (3)(a) of the Texas Family Code.
  8. If you lose your job or for any other reason that you may get behind in your child support, contact the local field office of the O.A.G. They will work with you. Ask them for a "child support review process."
  9. The O.A.G. does not enforce visitation. Contact Fathers for Equal Rights, Inc. at (214) 953-2233 or your counties Domestic Relations Office if your county provides one.
  10. The O.A.G. does not represent either party at any time. The O.A.G. only represents the State of Texas.
  11. The O.A.G. should only collect child support from one employer. Contact your field office if you get a part-time job and that employer receives a Wage Withholding Order.

I won custody of my son because my son needed me to!
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors