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The Audio Course Library

The Fathers for Equal Rights Online Audio Course Library, an FER Membership Access area, allows you to listen to prerecorded courses, averaging 20 - 30 minutes each, on various topics relating to family law. New Online Audio Courses will be added periodically. Join now to start educating yourself today.

Online Audio Courses is a feature of our FER Memberships. An FER Membership is an incredible service that offers to you access to Premium Content areas of the web site for only $50.00 per year. That's way less than 15 minutes of time with the average family law attorney!

Fathers for Equal Rights is planning to start adding video courses in the near future.

Click on the player below to start listening to this free sample.

Fathers For Equal Rights is such a great help to people in need!
  -- Joe & Rachel B. - Fort Worth, TX

FER Sponsors