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The Mother Says I Am The Father & We Were Never Married

I Don't Think I Am The FatherIf you do not think that you are the biological father and you have not signed an Acknowledgment of Paternity, a suit will be brought against you to establish that you are the father. The mother, child, or government can sue to establish whether you are the biological father.

In Texas, if you do not appear for a paternity hearing, the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. In addition, if you refuse to go to court after being summoned for a paternity hearing, the court can declare you to be the father of the child. This order is called a default order and may include an order to pay child support. Both the Dallas and Houston offices of Father's For Equal Rights offer court admissible DNA testing

From the Texas Q and A Handbook for Non-Custodial Parents, Office of John Cornyn, Texas Attorney General

After blowing a huge sum of money on one of the 'best attorneys' in Dallas, but with minimal progress, I found Fathers For Equal Rights and quickly learned that nobody can know or be as passionate about my case, or my son's well-being, as me.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors