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I am applying for Membership in the Fathers for Equal Rights (FER), and I acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  1. The National Fathers' Resource Center (NFRC) and its parent organization, Fathers For Equal Rights, Inc. (FER) are voluntary membership organizations provided to share ideas.
  2. Legal advice and services are not provided through their websites.
  3. All information on the NFRC and FER websites, or provided by individuals affiliated with the NFRC or FER is general information. It is not based upon a full professional assessment of any specific situation.
  4. Information provided on the NFRC and FER websites or from individuals affiliated with NFRC and/or FER is not legal advice, legal services, mental health advice or mental health services.
  5. All advertisers, links and resource lists accessed through the NFRC website are private individuals, organizations, or companies. Neither NFRC nor FER monitors or reviews or are in any way responsible for the quality of the services or products provided by these entities. Neither NFRC nor FER offer any guarantees regarding services or products provided by or through advertisers, links or resource lists available on the NFRC or FER websites.
  6. NFRC may at its sole discretion use its good offices to resolve complaints about products or services provided by individuals, companies, or organizations listed on its website(s). This in no way implies that NFRC is responsible for the quality of products or services provided by the other entities.
  7. I agree that I have obtained legal counseling services from Fathers for Equal Rights Attorneys, and or have spoken to a qualified specialist for the purpose of obtaining a strategy, and or received the Counsel from a licensed attorney to approve the process of Family Law Paperwork from a paralegal specialist that has provided Documents that are totally confidential, therefor not allowed to be reproduced.
  8. I acknowledge that Services have been provided by Fathers for Equal Rights and have been received, that this and all payments are for my continued annual membership. Payment's recieved are to be processed for the purpose confidential Counseling legal service. By checking this box all payments on this websight is proof that the services are satisfactory. 
  9. I agree to obtain medical or health care advice from a qualified and licensed doctor or mental health provider if I believe it to be necessary.
  10. I agree and understand that information received from or through the NFRC or FER websites to be neither legal advice nor mental health counseling or therapy.
  11. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless NFRC, FER, its directors, staff, NFRC Website Members, NFRC Premium Members, volunteers, principals, and website users and managers, individually and severally, from any and all liability for damages to me or any member of my family that may arise from my use of the website or related services. Indemnification will include but is not limited to all costs of litigation or mediation, including but not limited to any and all attorney fees. In the event of dispute or litigation regarding my use or my family's use of services offered through the NFRC or FER website, I agree that the exclusive jurisdiction will be Dallas County, Texas, USA.
  12. I agree to let NFRC know about any complaints that I have regarding the information obtained through the NFRC and/or FER website(s) or regarding any advertiser, link or resource listed. I will direct all complaints in writing to the NFRC Director, or I will use the feed back form on the NFRC website that is available for that purpose.
  13. I am at least 18 years of age, and I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions related to information that I obtain or receive from this website or from anyone affiliated with NFRC or FER.
  14. I agree that all e-mails are property of the NFRC and FER.
  15. I agree to use discretion with regard to release of personal information when posting notices or comments on the NFRC guest book or bulletin board or when sending e-mail.
  16. I agree to refrain from using inflammatory, hateful, obscene, slanderous, or offensive language about any individual, group or organization in correspondence or postings with NFRC and FER.
  17. I understand that my Membership will be canceled or terminated at any time without prior notice if in the opinion of the NFRC director and/or FER Board of Directors, such cancellation or termination is in the best interest of NFRC or FER and/or its members. Such cancellation or termination is not subject to appeal, and I release NFRC, FER, and any of its directors, staff, NFRC Website Members, NFRC Premium Members, principals, volunteers, website users or managers, individually and severally, from any and all liability related to such cancellation or termination.
  18. I expressly release NFRC and FER and agree to indemnify and hold harmless and any and all of its officers, directors, staff, NFRC Website Members, NFRC Premium Members, volunteers, principals and website users and managers, individually and severally, from any and all liability arising from my use of products and services provided by individuals, companies, or organizations and/or any advertisers listed on the NFRC or FER website(s).
  19. I release NFRC, FER, and its directors, staff, NFRC Website Members, NFRC Premium Members, volunteers, principals, website users or managers, individually and severally, from any and all liability that may arise from information that I voluntarily post or otherwise share through any electronic medium related to the NFRC or FER websites. I further understand that all messages posted are considered property of the NFRC and FER.
  20. I release NFRC, FER, and its directors, principals, staff, NFRC Website Members, NFRC Premium Members, volunteers, and website users and managers, individually and severally, from any and all liability arising from any release of information. I further understand that all messages are considered property of the NFRC and FER.
  21. I understand and agree to all of the above conditions, releases and disclaimers. I have had an opportunity to ask any question about any of the above before agreeing to them. (Questions about this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DISCLAIMER form can be directed to the FER Director, 701 Commerce Street, Suite 302, Dallas, Texas 75202).
  22. If individual requesting NFRC Membership is less than 18 years of age, a special request for NFRC Membership must be submitted to the FER Director, 701 Commerce Street, Suite 302, Dallas, Texas 75202. Each special request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Fathers For Equal Rights is such a great help to people in need!
  -- Joe & Rachel B. - Fort Worth, TX

FER Sponsors