What is child abuse?
Child abuse happens when someone harms a child on purpose.
How can someone abuse you?
- Physically, by hitting and hurting you with a hand, a flat, a foot, or with some kind of object like an extension cord, or belt.
- Sexually, when someone touches your private parts, like where your bathing suit or underwear covers, or makes you touch the private parts of his or her body.
- Verbally, when someone like your parent calls you a name like "stupid" and makes you feel very bad with his or her words.
What do you do if someone abuses you?
- If someone abuses you, tell your parents, a relative, a teacher, or some other adult you trust. Most adults will believe you.
- If one adult does not believe you, do not give up. Keep telling people until you feel safe.
- If someone has hurt you and told you not to tell, tell anyway. Keeping secrets can make you feel bad. Letting out bad secrets will make you feel better.
- If someone touches you and it makes you feel funny or wierd, it is okay to ask questions, to say "no", or to get away.
Things to Remember
- Sometimes strangers abuse kids, but sometimes kids are abused by someone they know like a parent, relative, teacher, or a family friend.
- Abuse is never your fault.
- If someone abuses you, rememeber to TELL, TELL, TELL!
- Talk to an adult you trust.
- Call the police immediately..Dial 911
- Call the Child Abuse Hotline...Dial 1-800-252-5400
- 2006 Child Abuse Prevention Kit