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FER Sponsors
Michelle McKinney

Safety begins at home. Most people think their homes are safe. However, most injuries involving chlidren occur in the child's home. Using common safeguards can reduce the risk of injuries.


  • Keep drapery, blind, electrical, and telephone cords out of reach.
  • For children under 4, avoid hard, smooth foods like hard candies, nuts, seeds, grapes and raw vegetables that can lodge in the child's throat. Chop hotdogs, grapes, caramels, sausages and other like foods into small pieces.
  • Keep small objects that can be swallowed off floors, tables, and other areas.
  • Remove drawstrings and hoods from children's clothing.


  • Keep cleaning supplies, chemicals, paints, and cosmetics in original containers. Use cabinet and drawer latches and locks.
  • Keep all medicines, prescription and non-prescription, in original containers and out reach. Use child resistant bottles.
  • Keep toxic plants out of reach.
  • Keep purses carrying cosmetics, medications and small objects out of reach. Use child resistant bottles.
  • Keep toxic plants out of reach.
  • Keep purses carrying cosmetics, medications and small objects out of reach.


  • Place infants on their backs to sleep.
  • In cribs, avoid soft bedding, pillows and stuffed animals.
  • Keep plastic bags away from children.
  • Keep children from playing in parked cars, refrigerators, dryers, freezers and stoves.

Burns and Fires

  • Set hot water heater thermostats to 120 degrees or less.
  • Check bath water should be no warmer than 100 degrees.
  • Baby's bath water should be no warmer than 100 degrees.
  • Use back burners and turn pot handles inward when cooking.
  • Avoid placing hot liquids within reach.
  • Place matches, lighters, gasoline and other flammables out of reach.
  • Use electrical outlet covers.
  • Keep all electrical appliances like curling irons and irons out of reach.
  • Place guards around all heaters, fireplaces, and barbeque grills.
  • Install smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors in houses using wood and fuel heating.

Other Safety Tips

  • Prevent falls on stairs by using safety gates at top and bottom of stairs.
  • Prevent bathtub falls and injuries by using a bath mat and spout guard.
  • Use colorful decals so glass doors are visible.
    Lock unloaded guns and mmunition separately in a secure place.
  • Use locking safety devices on guns.
  • Childproof doors and gates to prevent children leaving without being noticed.
  • Watch children around dogs and other pets.

Be Prepared for Accidents

  • Post numbers for Poison Center 1-800-764-7661 (1-800-POISON1), 911 for emergency services, and your doctor.
  • Have a first aid kit.
  • Learn first aid and CPR.

I found Fathers For Equal Rights through my church. Fathers For Equal Rights empowered me to do the right thing for my son through critical knowledge, and strategic access to affordable legal assistance.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors