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FER Sponsors

FamiliesjoinferWhile you may freely browse this website and use any of the information that we have collected here for your use, Fathers For Equal Rights offers other services and resources to those who support our organization by becoming a paid member.

FER Online Web Memberships come with the following website privileges:

  • Access to our library of online courses about various topics.
  • Access to our collection of frequently asked Questions and Answers.
  • More new features coming soon...


FER Walk-In Office Memberships

Not everyone's legal needs are the same, so FER offers several different levels of Membership. The services and privileges of all walk-In office levels are the same: what varies is the length and access to them. (If you need additional time with FER, Basic and Family Memberships can be renewed at a discount.)

  • Web Membership: Grants FER Online Website privileges only to one individual for one year.
  • Basic Membership: Grants ALL FER Member privileges to one individual for one year.
  • Family Membership: Grants ALL FER Member's spouses privileges for one year. (Both should register at the same time.  Be prepared to provide contact information and passwords for both family members.)


All FER Walk-In Office Memberships come with the following privileges which are generally provided through our office locations:

  • Personal Guidance on navigating the U.S. legal system.
  • Preparation for your court appearances.
  • Free, unlimited access to licensed Family Law attorneys for consultation during scheduled times.
  • Attorney recommendations and referrals.
  • Free notary services.
  • Access to document copy and production services.
  • Court information and instructions.
  • Directory of professional services.
  • Access to reduced cost Mental Health Advisors/Counselors.
  • Access to reduced cost mediation services.
  • Referrals to parenting classes.
  • Access to Legal Document preparation services.
  • Access to reduced process services.
  • Laminated FER Membership Card.


To join Fathers For Equal Rights, follow these simple steps:

  • Choose a Membership Level from the options below. You can use the links to either view the complete Details or to Sign Up.
  • Provide the information necessary to create your account (which includes contact information and a password you provide).
  • Provide your membership payment information (You will be automatically transferred to PayPal to complete payment.  Afterwards, you will be returned to our website).
  • Your website login account and FER Membership privileges will be activated upon successful payment.
  • For Family Memberships, subscribe as with any other FER Membership.  Once you are logged in, a "Family Members" link will be available under the "My Account" link which will allow you to manage accounts for two additional family members.  Clicking the "New Member" link to the upper right corner of the layout will present a new Member form for your Family Member

NOTE: If you do not wish to pay for your FER Membership online, visit our FER Office location(s) or contact us directly to register and pay via phone.

A 1 year Web only membership for a single individual.

Duration: 1 year
Price: $100.00

A 1 year membership for a single individual.

Duration: 1 year
Price: $400.00

A 1 year membership for a single individual and two members of their family.

Duration: 1 year
Price: $500.00

Fathers For Equal Rights empowered me to do the right thing for my son through critical knowledge, and strategic access to affordable legal assistance.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors