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FER Sponsors

We Need Your Help Today

Mothers And Fathers For Equal Rights, Inc. (FER), one of the largest, and most active fathers rights organizations in the U.S. We are a not-for-profit educational, and civil rights organization, recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. We receive no government grants of any kind, and we depend primarily upon walk-in and online members for our revenue.

This website is our effort to assist fathers, children, and families beyond our walk-in offices in Dallas, Fort Worth. We are mothers and fathers, just like you. Help us share our knowledge, and empower fathers around the corner, and around the world by making a donation using the Donate button below.

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Fathers For Equal Rights is such a great help to people in need!
  -- Joe & Rachel B. - Fort Worth, TX

FER Sponsors