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FER Sponsors


We Need Your Help!Dear member,

Fathers for Equal Rights has become the largest and busiest non profit membership organization providing assistance with family law issues, and we need increased funding to provide continued growth and services to you and others. The Fund Raising Committee for Fathers for Equal Rights has come up with five ways for you to help us financially, without having to dip into your own pockets. Hard to believe you can help change the world without costing anything! As my daughter would say, "Way cool Dad!" Here is how you can help...

1) Shop at Kroger. That's right, Kroger grocery stores has provided us with 500 Kroger Shared Cards that you hand to the cashier before he/she scans your groceries. Kroger will then give a donation based on your purchase. Call us, we will send you a card in the mail and PLEASE shop at Kroger!

2) Shop at Tom Thumb. That's right, Tom Thumb offers a donation to Fathers for Equal Rights every time you use your Reward Card. If you don't have a Reward Card, simply stop at the customer service desk at Tom Thumb and they will issue one on the spot. Then, on your next visit, tell the cashier before he/she scans your card, you want the card linked to organization number 8328. That's it, a one time process. You should see a message on your receipt that your reward card is now linked to our organization. PLEASE shop at Tom Thumb!

3) Buy something for yourself. Better yet, buy a lot of something's for yourself! But first join . Because whenever you purchase everyday items at the Mall at iGive, up to 25% of every purchase is donated to National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights, at no cost to you!

Wait, there's more.

At you get free membership... access to the over 240 brand-name merchants like Barnes and Noble, CDNow, Lands' End and PETsMART... super savings and deals every day ... and of course, free donations to the National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights! Join , and then shop 'til you drop. We'll appreciate it!

4) Donate a gift of kind. Fathers for Equal Rights would like to hold regular garage sales. We are looking for just about anything of value (including services) such as cars, boats, yard equipment, tools, furniture sports equipment, haircuts, limo service, tax preparation and anything of value. Please call (241) 953-2233 for pick-up.

5) Renew your membership. Remember your renewal is a donation and vital to our success. PLEASE renew today!

Your continued support helps us provide the best possible membership, non-profit, legal support organization in the entire state of Texas.

Thanks for your contribution and support!

Donate Today: Help Yourselves & Help your Kids

Fathers For Equal Rights A 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Corporation

In some situations during or after a divorce, donating property is a way to escape the burden of monthly cash commitments without having your credit rating ruined through foreclosure or repossession.

Your donation of a house, real-estate,or commercial property, cash, boats, planes, etc. is one of the best ways to help yourself, while helping kids and other fathers enduring or recovering from divorce. Your donation supports the FER's cause, and our pursuit for EQUAL JUSTICE under the law. And helping others makes you feel good inside.

FER may even consider accepting your donation where property is purchased at a reduced, below market value, and acknowledging your donation between appraised fair market value and the reduced sales price. So, help yourself and support FER. Click away & DONATE TODAY!

Generally Acceptable Donations:

  • Cash
  • Houses
  • Land & Property
  • Planes
  • Cars
  • Art
  • Buildings
  • Boats
  • Other Sellable Goods

Fathers For Equal Rights empowered me to do the right thing for my son through critical knowledge, and strategic access to affordable legal assistance.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors