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FER Sponsors

Thanks for your interest in Fathers for Equal Rights, Inc. We are delighted by the national outpouring of support for the rights of fathers, children, and families and have been asked by many, "How Can I help?"

We are a successful 30 year old not for profit organization. We have accomplished so much over the past 30 years, however there is so much more to do. We are looking for people, both men and women, who are willing to work with us to make long term changes in our legal system. If this sounds like you, we need your help and energy.

The best thing to do is become involved in your local area. All politics is local. Nothing fires up a representative, senator, congressman, or elected judge than talking with a constituent. Check out our ?making a difference section? for how to conduct your activities. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the grease. If you are not in Texas, contact us. He will be able to direct you to someone in your state.

By far the greatest help, with the most far reaching result, would be for you to make a tax deductible donation of any amount, to FER. We have so much more to do but we are restrained by limited funds. While women's shelters often have incomes of $2-4 million a year, frequently subsidized by federal and state grants from your tax dollars, fathers organizations such as Fathers for Equal Rights, Inc. and the National Fathers' Resource Center, exist largely on membership fees. If we spend millions helping battered women, shouldn't we spend something helping disenfranchised fathers and their children?

Some say, "Men aren't committed enough to make a difference." Lets prove them wrong. Donate today.Get active today. If you are not doing something to change the system and the process, you have no right to complain. So, let's get to work.

If becoming an activist is your goal, we need help with newsletters, phone calls, internet work, grant writing, contract writing, legislative work, and more. If you are near Dallas, you can also help by becoming a member of Fathers for Equal Rights and getting involved at our meetings. Our Board of Directors normally meets the third Monday of every month at 7:00 pm. Watch our calendar of events for exact time and dates. All you have to do is find something you like and "dive in."

If you are still confused about how you can help, feel free to give Doug Clark a call at (214) 953-2233 and tell him you want to help. We will find a spot for you.

Be sure to check out this link to our site: National Fathers' Resource Center - There is some good information available there on how to make a difference.

My child's mother brought my daughter to me and literally disappeared for approximately 3 whole years! Attempts to contact the mother by emails, phone calls, text messages, social media, family and friends yielded nothing. I then contacted Fathers For Equal Rights for help. Within a week we were in court and signing papers.
  -- Sefu A. - Dallas, TX

FER Sponsors