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By: 1999 The Positive Line

  1. Make time every day to talk to your child
  2. Make clear ground rules for communication, including "no put downs".
  3. Set an example by the courteous, caring, attentive way you communicate with your child with others.
  4. Show an open attitude, so your child feels free to express himself or herself to you.
  5. Tell your child often "I love you." This is one of the most important things you can do."
  6. Express your delight when your child shows good values. Whether its cooperating with others, finishing homework or making his/her bed...acknowledge actions you want repeated.
  7. Help your child learn to listen. It is a valuable skill.
  8. Share activities with your child that are conversation ice breakers, such as playing board games or watching quality TV.
  9. Choose times to talk wisely. The best times for discussions are when everyone is well-rested, well-fed and without pressing tasks to get done.
  10. When your child is old enough, hold weekly family meetings at which everyone can share positive news and voice their grievances.

Fathers For Equal Rights is such a great help to people in need!
  -- Joe & Rachel B. - Fort Worth, TX

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