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Be aware of YOUR BEHAVIOR at all times.

  1. Sit in the spectator area unless otherwise directed. DO NOT sit with your spouse in court.
  2. DRESS appropriately.
  4. Be ATTENTIVE to the proceedings.
  5. Be careful of your BODY LANGUAGE.
  6. Advise your attorney of any MEDICATION you need to take.
  7. DO NOT READ in the courtroom.
  8. Be sure your BEEPER or MOBILE PHONE is turned OFF in the courtroom.
  9. DO NOT violate any court rules about SMOKING, GUM CHEWING or EATING.
  10. DO NOT take any WEAPONS to the courthouse area.
  11. RISE when responding to the court or when the judge enters the courtroom. DO NOT ADDRESS THE JUDGE directly, only respond.
  12. Keep the VOLUME OF YOUR VOICE loud enough so everyone can hear you.
  13. Other than social amenities, DO NOT TALK WITH OPPOSING COUNSEL OR YOUR SPOUSE.
  14. Always use a PLEASANT TONE OF VOICE. Under no circumstances use PROFANITY or VULGAR LANGUAGE. Be wary of MAKING STATEMENTS OR COMMENTS in rest rooms or in any other places where they may be overheard.
  15. Always be RESPECTFUL.
  16. When TALKING WITH YOUR ATTORNEY, attempt to assure privacy of the conversation.
  17. During the trial DO NOT PUNCH, WHISPER TO or DISTRACT your attorney. Communicate with your attorney by writing.
  18. REMOVE ALL NOTES from the courtroom each day.
  19. DO NOT create a scene over the wording of the WITNESS OATH.
  20. If the RULE HAS BEEN INVOKED, DO NOT violate it.
  21. DO NOT arrange for your LOVER or MINOR CHILDREN to attend the trial as spectators.
  22. During the trial DO NOT LEAVE THE COURTROOM without permission.
  23. DO NOT be suspicious of IN CHAMBERS CONFERENCES.
  24. During YOUR TESTIMONY, always be TRUTHFUL.
  25. LISTEN to the question and ANSWER ONLY the question. UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION before answering. Be sure you UNDERSTAND THE WORDS used in the question. DO NOT SPECULATE or GUESS the answer.
  27. Try to avoid LONG LENGTHY PAUSES during your testimony.
  28. Keep your CONCENTRATION while testifying.
  29. DO NOT lose your TEMPER.
  30. Remain POLITE and CALM during your testimony.
  32. ADDRESS COUNSEL FORMALLY and not by first names.
  33. DO NOT try to RUSH YOUR ANSWER IN OVER AN OBJECTION. WAIT PATENTLY for objections to be ruled upon.
  34. Avoid the use of words such as "NEVER" and "ALWAYS."
  35. DO NOT toke NOTES to the witness stand without the permission of your attorney.

It's so good to find an organization like Fathers For Equal Rights that has experience going back to 1974!
  -- Chuck H. - Fort Worth, TX

FER Sponsors