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Understand & Know Your Own Limitations

Learn To Be A Better ExampleAre you in the early stages of a divorce or custody case, child support dispute or paternity case? Or, maybe you are in the middle of what seems like an endless, bitter litigation. Are you facing false accusations of domestic violence or child abuse? Have you finally figured out that our legal system is not designed to protect your fathers' rights or your childrens' rights? If you are like most fathers you are probably asking, "Do fathers have any rights?" "Does anyone care about me?" "How can I protect my precious children?" "Where do I go for the answers?"

Learning about your Fathers Rights can be a good example for your children. Trusting the professionals to educate you about the law, your rights, and ins and outs of family and divorce code in your state is a positive way to begin or possibly finally end an ongoing process on a good note. Don't make the mistake of thinking that uncle Lou is an expert in law because he went through a divorce three years ago. As a father in a divorce or custody battle, you must know your rights and what your options are. If you don't, you will be unable to recognize if your own attorney is performing properly, or agree to a settlement that will result in years of frustration. Ignorance is your worst enemy.

Sadly, too many dads come into our offices when their cases are out of control. They put too much trust in themselves, their attorney, or worse, their spouse's attorney. It may be too late to turn a horror story around. We have found that dads who are pre-armed with proper information, planning, and support, can often achieve the initiative in their cases. This may mean the difference between having custody of your children or visiting with them 3 or 4 days a month.

Joining a local fathers' rights group, if one is available, is one way to be informed. Your rights and obligations depend largely on individual state laws. Nevertheless, there are also a number of books written on the topic, many available through our own Fathers for Equal Rights store. An excellent introduction is Fathers' Rights (Perseus Books, 1998) by attorney Jeffery M. Leving with Kenneth A. Dachman. This book traces every aspect of the custody process from the courts to therapists' couches, using real-life examples. Purchase it through our Fathers for Equal Rights store. Knowledge is power. Even if you have a Ph.D., this book will give you a great start on your "Doctor of Divorce" degree; the most important degree you are likely to possess. You will also find helpful information on Fathers' Rights by clicking on the links listed on the topic sections on the right and the left. If you don't see what you are looking for, visit our contact page and send a personal note. We try to answer all e-mail requests promptly.

You can order any book imaginable through our Fathers for Equal Rights bookstore . As an affiliate of Barnes and Noble, the National Fathers' Resoucre Center gets a small but sigificant rebate from Barnes and Noble whenever you make a purchase through our NFRC link. Making all of your book purchases through our bookstore is one important way that you, your family, and your friends can provide vital support for the fathers' rights movement. Thank you for helping to educate yourself and put into practice being a great example for your children about the value of learning.

Fathers For Equal Rights empowered me to do the right thing for my son through critical knowledge, and strategic access to affordable legal assistance.
  -- David A. - Dallas, TX

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