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Safety In Your Home

Prevent Poisoning and Drug Overdose

National Safety CouncilAre you aware that every year, poison control centers receive about 2.2 million calls from people seeking medical help for poisoning? Yes it's true and truth be told, this is the leading cause of unintentional death, surpassing even motor vehicle crashes, and includes inadvertant ingestion of drugs or chemicals, the excessive use of a drug and exposure to environmental substances.

All those bright colored little pills are so enticing to kids and they are unaware of danger. So it's the responsibility of each parent to insist on Home Safety to Prevent Harm. The National Safety Council has hundreds of ways to help make your home safe, from RX's to Fire Safety and Home Evacuations should an emergency happen. Do you and your family know what to do in the event of an emergency? Make sure.

Prescription Drug Overdose - The most common poisoning is from prescription drugs and in particular opioid pain medication. Every day, 52 people die from opioids. That statistic is provided by The National Safety Council. Part of the problem is parents become quickly addicted without realizing what's happening. And since these drugs are overprescribed by doctors, shared among family members and stolen from medicine cabinets, it's so common people of all ages loose sight of the fact forget these are a death threat to a child.

Poison Help Hot Line

Children are misusing prescription drugs at an alarming rate, and even over-the-counter medications, like cold medicines and sleeping aids, can be dangerous. This epidemic is a major initiative of the National Safety Council. Start here to learn what we're doing to end it and how you can help – and be sure to keep the National Poison Control Center number, (800) 222-1222, on your phone.

Other Poisons in the Home

  • More than 90% of all poisonings happen at home. Familiarize yourself with the dangers that lurk there:
  • Find out if radon gas is seeping in
  • Learn about the invisible killer, carbon monoxide
  • Lead poisoning is not yesterday's news; is your home at risk?
  • Serious injuries and death from button batteries have increased nine-fold in the last decade
  • Household products, like cleaners and pesticides, can easily fall into the wrong little hands
  • Do you know how to childproof your home?

Poison Prevention Week is coming up next month. Fathers 4 Kids would like to forge ahead a campaign that alerts parents and kids alike of the dangers in the home about prescription medicines. National Poison Prevention Week, the third week of March each year, focuses on the danger of drugs and other poisons and how to keep your family safe. Observed for more than 50 years, National Poison Prevention Week activities are a great way to start a conversation at your home.

The week is observed March 20-26, 2016. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers a wealth of information.

Browse Safety at Home:

  • Motor Vehicle Crash
  • Poisoning
  • Falls
  • Choking
  • Drowning
  • Fires and Burns
  • Emergency Preparedness

Fathers 4 Kids believes you and your children can select a weekend and make your home safe. Begin with keeping prescription drugs where they belong. Up out of the fingers of little ones who love to explore and are still unaware of things that can harm.  Fathers 4 Kids invites everyone to

Don't Wait Let's Educate!


Dallas - Headquarters 214-953-2233 Ft. Worth 817-870-4880


Fathers For Equal Rights is such a great help to people in need!
  -- Joe & Rachel B. - Fort Worth, TX

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